
Constructive Discourse.

Welcome to the Constructive Discourse blog. The primary aim of the blog is to attract a niche group of people who are ready to be challenged and challenge others. We love discussions and avoid getting personal

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Understanding Virtual Autism: Screen Time Impact on Children

@constructivediscourse2021 Have you heard of virtual autism? I want to bring to your attention a phrase that is likely new to you: virtual autism. This phrase is still new as a field and information; however, it is a very significant one. In previous blogs, I have stated my concerns about how much screen time children…

Teacher Perspective: Another brutal death provides me with more questions about society!

@constructivediscourse2021 Daniel Anjorin – RIP It is coming up to a week after the death of 14-year-old Daniel Anjorin in Hainault, Essex, at the hands of Marcus Aurelio Arduini Monzo. This event has sent shockwaves across the UK but more significantly in the small town of Hainault. Knowing this event happened in Hainault is particularly…

Teacher Perspective: Not all INCELS are violent however you must be aware of them!

Introduction There are men out here who dislike women, which is sometimes overlooked. I have not paid much attention to subsets of these groups typically seen online because it is far from what I think. However, one-day last week, as I was considering what my next topic would be, the term INCEL came to my…

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