
Understanding Virtual Autism: Screen Time Impact on Children

@constructivediscourse2021 Have you heard of virtual autism? I want to bring to your attention a phrase that is likely new to you: virtual autism. This phrase is still new as a field and information; however, it is a very significant one. In previous blogs, I have stated my concerns about how much screen time children…

Teacher Perspective: I am concerned about your child!

Introduction – Quick acknowledgement of those participating in Ramadan.Before I go into this topic, I would like to shout out to all Muslims currently participating in Ramadan. Although I am not a Muslim, I love the concept of fasting and actively participating in them. There are many benefits that I will share on this platform…

Do you want to teach abroad? Start your journey abroad today!

I can imagine the knowledge of your colleagues moving out of the UK to teach in countries with better weather, packages and working conditions. They tell you how things are better in comparison to the dire conditions you are working in. I may need to be more moderate with bad conditions. However, the point remains…

Pay attention to how present you are with your child! 

Tik Tok – @constructivediscourse  Instagram – @constructivediscourse2021  Spotify – constructivediscourse  Image: Andrea Piacquadio As a teacher, and also a mentor in a previous role, I have come to realise that there are a number of young people in the school system who are crying for help. As their complaints are often ignored, this can normally manifest in negative ways such as rebellious behaviour.…


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